Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Date

For those of you who didn't hear the news, the launch of Entangled Publishing's paranormal imprint - Covet - has been postponed a couple of days, so as not to interfere with the new crop of Indulgences - that'd be Entangled Publishing's contemporary category imprint - releasing today.

The Covet titles - from me, Misa Ramirez (Deceiving the Witch Next Door), and Candace Havens (Take It Like a Vamp) - will be released on Friday the 20th. So mark your calendars for that. I will, of course, make an announcement when Tall, Dark and Divine shows up on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and is available for actual download. Wait until you see the cover; it's gorgeous! 

I wish I could share, but there are still some final tweaks going on.

In the meantime, you could do worse than pick up an Indulgence. This month's titles look awesome. Books by Nicola Marsh, Carmen Falcone, Ros Clarke, and Robyn Thomas.

Happy reading!

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