Or that's the way it used to be; the digital revolution has been the game-changer for that, as for a lot of things in the publishing industry.
Entangled's contemporary category imprint is called Indulgence, and it's what's known as a digital-first imprint. What that means is, the book will be released as an ebook first, through Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and only after a certain number of books have been sold will it be available in print. So I'm going to need some help getting to that point when the time comes.
I'm not allowed to say a whole lot about it, since the powers that be at Entangled like to keep things under wraps until pretty close to the release date, but I'm expecting a release either in the fall - October is currently open for me, between the 6th DIY mystery, Wall to Wall Dead, that comes on September 4th and the 1st futuristic romance, Fortune's Hero, on November 13th - or possible later in the winter. I don't have another release in December either, and I did write a Christmas party into the book, just in case. :)
Of course I'll let you know more as soon as I have details. But for now, just know that Friends With Benefits is coming, and that it's a sweet (and steamy) little Cinderella type story - around 53,000 words or so - about a pregnant waitress who marries her nice but boring next-door neighbor for his health benefits - friends with benefits, see? - and who ends up falling in love with him.
I really like the way it turned out, and I can't wait to share it with everyone!
How do you find time to write all these wonderful books?
I should have a tablet by then, so I'll be looking for ALL of your new releases.
Dru - LOL! I as going a bit crazy there for a while. The SFRs - which, as it turns out, are actually futuristic romances, technically speaking - are a lot darker than anything else I've ever written. After 6 months of writing nothing else, I took a break halfway through #2 because I just couldn't deal anymore. And ended up writing 3 short category length books between April 20th and now. One is a light romantic suspense/mystery; it was supposed to be released in August, but that's on hold right now, since it doesn't fit with the imprint that bought it. There's the paranormal romance that's coming next week - as far as I know - and this one. Now I'm editing the first SFR, and then I'll have to go back to the second again. But that's how. :)
Nora-Adrienne - good for you! I adore my iPad. Not that I have a lot of time to read, but I do enjoy the ereading. Didn't think I would, but as it turns out, it's so very convenient!
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